I did it Cherry

Greetings Soul-U Family,


Wow, pull up a chair and lean in.  

As a child, I grew up looking forward to playing hopscotch, double dutch and climbing on top of the neighbors garage to eat from their cherry tree. 

Back then shucks- I would simply pull from the branch, eat and imagine.  Not a care in the world about life, getting caught or even  falling.   OK most likely you caught  the fact that I snuck (as we say) up there.   It was my sanctuary regardless to being owned by someone else. Neighbors share, right? We gone go with that.  Now come back and focus...

Ahhh the fairytales of being happy, my own person and  whatever I set my mental to do would captivate my mind in such a way until before long taking a nap.  

A mind really is a terrible thing to waste.  

Few months back, I  envisioned another opportunity for this thing called life.  No I wasn't intruding anyone's space, but my own.  And guess what, I did it. 

If I can do it so can you!  After all in the words of a good friend, nothing beats a failure but a try.  

I did it!!

By Sonji 

I own the rights to this  


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